About The Arsenal Collection
The Arsenal Collection is owned by The Woolwich Arsenal Football And Athletic Company, Limited which is owned by Andy Kelly and Mark Andrews.
Subsequently Paul Matz, who produces the matchday Arsenal History Programme,
joined us and a substantial number of items on the site are from his collection.
We have been helped in the construction of the website by Darren Berry.
All of us are dyed in the wool Arsenal fans, who have a strong interest in the club’s history and in making available to a wider audience programmes, memorabilia and everything else that relates to the club’s achievents and progress since it was formed in 1886.
The seed for The Arsenal Collection was sown when Andy one day stumbled upon The Everton Collection.
Andy discussed the idea of creating a similar site for our club with his writing partner from The Arsenal History website, Mark Andrews.
Having spent a considerable amount of time digitising material we are now in a position to start publishing it online.
This is incredibly time-consuming. At present we are doing this in our spare time but our aim is to secure funding to employ someone to do this on a full time basis.
Most of the material that we have so far has come from our own collections. We have also been helped by two collectors who have given us access to their very significant collections.